Universal Set

Universal Concentration Set
The set for concentration with universal purpose
The set is designed for any goal that you may wish to achieve and it will support your concentration until this goal has been realized.
The universal set for concentration consists of a cloud and a crystal small in size so that you can always carry it with you.
The set also contains three number sequences.
The sequence 918197185 provides a vibration that has a 100% success guarantee. Using it, you can concentrate on and achieve whatever aim you set for yourself.
The numbers 514 bring balance to health.
The vibration of the numbers 28 7 741 signifies eternal happiness and prosperity. When you say the numbers out loud, pause for a moment at the intervals between the numbers.
How to work with concentration?
Relax and enter a peaceful state and say that you are working on a macrolevel, for everyone including yourself.
Set a goal that you actually want to achieve.
The goal has to be formulated clearly and precisely.
(e.g. I want to heal my lower back, I need money to buy a house, a job that will make me satisfied…)
Number sequence – When concentrating on the specific number sequence created for you, you enable your body or a situation to reach a balanced state. The number sequence with its vibration carries information of norm – balance and harmony.
While you are working, you pronounce each number separately (silently or out loud). This way, the body or the situation tunes into the vibration of balance.
Work at least three minutes with every number sequence. If you feel that you are intuitively drawn to a particular number, concentrate on it for a longer period.
Crystal – Visualize yourself inside the crystal, mentally. Imagine that your goal has already been achieved in reality. The same applies to situations that need to change or events that need to happen. You visualize the necessary change inside the crystal. While you are working, you can imagine a silver/white sphere around the crystal. Work for at least three minutes.
Cloud concentration – As you focus your attention on the cloud, you are aware of the fact that raindrops or snowflakes are the consequence of the existence of clouds. Concentrating on this chain of consequences, you hold the necessary
information or situation in your consciousness and it will become reality.
Work for at least three minutes.
Finish the concentration by saying, ‘’That is how it is, that is how I want it to be’’.
Concentration exercises are performed 3 times a day for 15 minutes.
By increasing the time you spend performing it, you reach your goal faster.
At first, it may be difficult to maintain concentration as your thoughts wander off; simply try to bring them back to the object that you are working with. After enough practice, your ability to concentrate will improve and you will be able to achieve your aims faster.
If you are still unable to visualize the required situation, say what you are doing, out loud or silently.
How to order
Choose your universal concentration set, contact me and your order will be ready to ship the next day.
The photographs show how the universal concentration set looks like. Crystal dimensions vary.
Cloud size is 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) height.
Shipping service – 9 EUR priority shipping
No. 147
Blue dots cloud in cloud universal Grabovoi number sequences, clear crystal.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 148
Universal Grabovoi numbers, rough quartz, turquoise-blue cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 213
Universal Grabovoi number sequences, crystal pebble, violet cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 319
Universal Grabovoi number codes, clear crystal, light blue dots cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 418
Universal Grabovoi number sequences, crystal pebble, blue-purple painted cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 518
Universal Grabovoi numbers, rocky quartz crystal pebble, fuchsia cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 519
Universal Grabovoi numbers, quartz, pink cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 598
Universal Grabovoi number codes, clear crystal, light blue cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 714
Universal Grabovoi number sequences, quartz crystal pebble, turquoise cloud in cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 814
Universal Grabovoi number sequences, clear quartz crystal, blue cloud.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 917
Universal Grabovoi number sequences, quartz crystal pebble, relief cloud – fuchsia.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR
No. 918
Universal Grabovoi number sequences, quartz crystal pebble, relief cloud – turquoise.
Cloud dimensions are 8.1 x 5.8 cm (3.19 x 2.28 in), 1.6 cm (0.63 in) tall. Crystal dimensions vary.
63 EUR